Monday 27 June 2011

Ladywell streetscape - let's keep up the pressure!

Last Summer LVIG worked with landscape architects Shape and Council officers to develop proposals to make Ladywell Village a better place for local people by improving the roads and pavements - the ‘streetscape’.

LVIG is keen that the current layout, which prioritises the needs of traffic over those of people, changes and that Ladywell centre becomes an attractive place that works well for local people using the shops, catching a bus, going to the park or the station, sitting out to have a coffee or pint, or simply reaching their homes. LVIG wants to transform Ladywell Village using a range of measures tried successfully elsewhere, such as increasing pavement widths and narrowing carriageways; introducing raised pedestrian crossings at side road intersections; incorporating loading/short stay parking bays; planting new street trees in suitable locations; seating and cycle parking; and a safer cycle connection to Ladywell Fields.  A scheme has been developed to bring this into effect.  But making this happen is entirely dependent on funding from Transport for London (TfL). Each Autumn LB Lewisham, like all London boroughs, bids for TfL money for schemes like this. In 2010 Lewisham Mayor Sir Steve Bullock decided not to include the Ladywell scheme in the Lewisham bid for 2011/12 but made it very clear it would be the priority scheme for the 2012/13 bid.

LVIG will be reminding Mayor Bullock of this commitment come the Autumn and will be looking to Ward Councillors to redouble their efforts to make this scheme happen!

In the meantime . . . . LVIG has managed to get two new trees planted in Gillian Street (opp. the Ladywell Tavern) - and is now trying to get tree guards fitted! We will also be pressing the Council or Network Rail to replace the tree that has come down immediately infront of the Station. Furthermore we'll be bidding to the Ladywell Assembly for new, more robust planters to replace the wooden ones which are now starting to fall apart.

LVIG always knew the transformation of Ladywell wasn't going to happen overnight - but things are moving in the right direction with Oscar's, El's Kitchen, Masons and the Ladywell Tavern all positive examples of the area's revival.  Now we've just got to keep the ball rolling!

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